10 Ways To Celebrate Global Running Day
Happy Global Running Day!
Global Running Day is a massive celebration of the sport of running, held annually on the first Wednesday of June. This year, it falls on June 5!
“Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. It doesn’t matter how fast you run or how far you go—what’s important is that you take part, and how you do it is up to you. Run a lap around your block, take your dog for a long walk, or call your friends for a pick-up game in the park. The important thing is that you have fun being active—and you inspire others to join you.”
- GlobalRunningDay.org
People from around the world gather together on this day with one common goal in mind: to get moving. Participants will pledge on the Global Running Day website to run or to participate in a running activity, either alone or as a part of a team. Over 8570 people from 128 countries have already pledged -- Are you one of them?
You don’t have to go crazy and run a marathon in order to celebrate (although Drink Simple co-founders Kate and Jeff just might). It doesn’t matter how far or how fast you run -- the important part is that you get your body moving, do something active, and inspire others to join!
Best of all? Global Running Day isn’t just for adults. Inspire the next generation to live a healthy and active lifestyle by encouraging them to join the Million Kid Run.
Looking for fun ways to join the global running community? We’ve listed some of our favorite ways to celebrate below.
10 Fun Ways To Celebrate #GlobalRunningDay:
- Take the pledge to run.
- Go for a run.
- Play tag with your kids.
- Organize a group run with friends.
- Take a walk around your block.
- Hit the track for some sprints.
- Join a running club (what better day to join!).
- Sign up for a race, and start training.
- Go for a hike.
- Treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes… then go run your heart out!
Stock up on your favorite Drink Simple maple water to stay hydrated before, during, and after your #GlobalRunningDay activities. What’s your favorite way to stay hydrated? Tag us on Instagram @drinksimple to share with us… we’d love to know!
Written by: Lauren Kelly Bienko